Who am I as a Communicator?

What is the one thing that surprised you the most?

Positive: that I am concerned about the emotions of others. I have always felt like I did, but I didn’t think people saw that in me too.

Negative: that I worry too much about how I communicate. I always felt this way, but I was surprised to know that people saw that I did too.

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What other insights about communication did you gain this week?

I definitely have a lot of areas of communication that I need to work on, but I also have a lot of area of communication that is sincere and thoughtful.

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Cultural Diversity

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Cultural diversity is the quality of diverse or different cultures, as opposed to monoculture, the global monoculture, or a homogenization of cultures, akin to cultural decay. The phrase cultural diversity can also refer to having different cultures respect each other’s differences.

Colleagues at school- The people I work with are from all types of backgrounds.

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In your neighborhood-I come from a predominately black neighborhood.

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In your workplace- My school has lots of diversity.

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Within your family-My Great-grandfather was a white man from Ireland and my great-grandmother was a Seminole Indian from Florida. They both passed away in 1989

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  • Do you find yourself communicating differently with people from different groups and cultures?

I think this is true of a lot of people, especially people of color. I grew up in a community of African Americans so a lot of my communication is based on my everyday surroundings. How I speak to my black friends and my white friends are different. I don’t have many friends of other cultures, but it’s not by choice, it’s just that I don’t come into contact with many other races.

  • If yes, in what ways do you communicate differently?

Depending on the environment that I’m in I will communicate differently. When I’m with family I am typically loud but yet respectful because I’m the youngest in my family. When I’m with friends, I’m loud and I typically use a lot of slang. When I’m at work I communicate in a professional matter.


What is Communication Blog Assignment 2

My Godmother is a family member whom I believe demonstrates competent communication. Her name is Karen, but everyone calls her Kay. She is a Physical Therapist and she comes into contact with diverse people often. Some people she meets on the worse day of their life because they are in pain from having surgery, but they have to meet the therapist.

****What behaviors does this person exhibit that make him or her effective?****

My Godmother is a very good listener. She doesn’t just hear what you are saying but she listens to understand your perspective and feelings about a situation. Whenever we talk and I am explaining a situation to her she asks me lots of follow-up questions so that she can have clarity and respond purposefully. Her communication is logical and meaningful. I enjoy speaking with her because she always makes me feel like I have her full attention because she’s not easily distracted.

****Would you want to model some of your own communication behaviors after this person?****

Absolutely! I know my areas of weakness and my areas of strength when it comes to communication and my Godmother tells me all the time “Syl you need to focus and listen”. My Godmother is definitely a positive example of an effective communicator. She is the type of person that everyone navigates to when they need a listening ear and some advice. I love that about her.